Basics of Building a Website

If you followed my live streaming series in which I helped indecisive squirrel work through how to build a website you know that we looked at the simple Ideas behind a website, things you need to think about before starting the website and finally working with WordPress. Below are definitions and links based on our discussions.
Who is your Target Audience
A target audience is a group of people defined by certain demographics and behavior to which you are targeting your products/services. (age, gender, location, education, status, etc…)
This is an imperative for you to know. It makes decisions for website design, products, marketing and anything to do with you company so much easier.
What is the purpose of your website
Some people will look at this and give a mission statement. The main thing of importance is to know why you want/need a website. This will help you define the direction of the design, flow and other elements within the site.
Hosting can determine what tools you use, how much work you will need to put into the design and the speed at which your website is delivered.
Website Hosts to look at: